Sunday, June 12, 2011

Career Book Review ? 101 Secrets to a successful career of ...

Current reigning U.S. unemployment at 9.5 percent, at least 14 million Americans out of work. Statistics show about five candidates for every job available. Economists expect a long experience higher than usual unemployment in the United States. the global market today is the restructuring of employment opportunities. E 'challenging. Now, having the perfect resume and learn the answers to "tough" interview questions no longer guarantees a job to know. Many of those who believe, workdissatisfied and wanted a career change, but delay a number of reasons.

Below is the first of three articles, published collectively "101" career books from Course Technology. Another author highlights what it takes to reach each Rashika professional success in the 21st Century for book. Here is a businessman Fernando. His new book is titled Secrets of Success with 101 career.

Fernando sports an impressive career as a businessman, working in particular GlobalFinance. His message transcends the economy, coping with the career in general, if you are employed or unemployed. "101 Secrets" offers a holistic approach to work, the integration of both your personal and professional presence. In today's market, the more these two worlds converge, the happier you will be. 101 Fernando secret career between 17 chapters divided into a brief written and provides a useful and informative read. The following are the highlights of fourChapters.

/ Meaning. Purpose Fernando asks: "Why do you live and go to work?" Each of us has a purpose in life and wait for it to be discovered, he writes. Once we know that our goal in life, everything else falls into place. He believes that encompasses our entire fortune following elements: 1 Be happy with the life we ??have. 2. Ensure the continuation of life. This includes generating, facilitating and future generations by volunteering, adopting and sponsoring orphans, etc.3. Improve the quality of life by donating to the cause of face and offers words of comfort to anyone with a difficult challenge, etc.

Find our purposes, a long journey, unique in our personalities. At the end of our career choices should make us happy, and get paid for it. Combine your order with a mission, believes in it and run. To act on your purpose, you need a strategy. It allows you to connect your dreams of high-level actionable plans. Career Success Secret: "Do understand your lifeThe aim is the biggest step forward we can take to success. "

Career / life strategy. Probably the best chapter in the book "Strategizing your career and life," stresses the importance of planning. The strategy is the approach we take to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be close. Door decisions in action. There is a formula for the strategy, because each of your goals is unique. We strategize every day on a simpler level (mappinga path of travel, daily to-do lists, etc.) The achievement of big dreams is difficult and complex. Strategy brings our dreams to the level of the other reality of day to day. There is no formula strategy, there is a framework for strategic planning: definition, write the problem to be solved and the goal of serving as a reference point for planning. Data / analysis-record what you already know the problem or goal, the analysis you have done, or assumptions. strategy to reinvent your approach to theObjective. Tactics/Resources- identifies the smallest details of the plan are planning to review the monitoring of the progress of your. Career Success Secret: "It is very important that you make a choice to hide behind rather than analysis."

Be proactive. Proactive people active and anticipate the various distractions in their plans, the objectives address the changes to her. Be proactively creating a better quality of results and a better quality of life. Each drive for successinclude the competition. Anticipate and plan for the inevitable competitive situations. to see on your way to success is the development of the ability of what happened in the years ahead. "You can always see the signs of tomorrow," says Fernando. In relation to the workers to continue to anticipate technological innovations. "Give up what you already know, learn what you do not know." Career Success Secret: "Be proactive builds your confidence."

Networking. OurSuccess depends on our relationship. To be successful, we must learn the art of networking and to do feel comfortable. Networking is important, a good friend passed on to third parties. Our existing contacts and friends are our strong network we have. Networking offers friendship, emotional support and encouragement. Connection with other people helps you, your accomplishments and the value you add. The best reason is the wealth of opportunities for networkingprovides. Career Success Secret: "The network is a matching process with which they are connected to your strengths with opportunities, so the chances of success."

In anemic job market and the media with stories of suffering, we can only direct our lives. Are you satisfied with your career or frustrated with the unemployed, read "101's Secret" Chapter 4: ". Control your own destiny" The global marketplace presents a panorama of the changing world of work. old industries fade away to revealnew career opportunities. Living a successful career in today's market requires a paradoxical selfishness. Only by engaging in relentless self-examination (regardless of age), with the aim of integrating both your personal and professional are, you can better contribute to society. Fernando holistic approach to career and life planning provides consulting firm in today's turbulent world.

Complement Fernando message to Jay Miletsky of "101 ways to successfully market yourself", and Carol A.Silvis "101 Ways To Make Yourself Indispensable at Work" to jump start your career, whether employed, unemployed, seasoned or novice.

To view the table of contents for 101 secrets for a successful career, visit Book _Details.html.


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