Thursday, September 22, 2011

Big Changes in Shurflo RV Water Pumps | Car Magazine ...

If you have been around the RV life style for very long it does not matter if you have a Fifth Wheel, Travel Trailer, Motorhome, or Camper, you probably have heard of Shurflo water pumps. They go back a long way and the same is true if you have been around the marine industry. As for reputation, there is not another company out there that produces RV water pumps that is as respected as the Shurflo RV water pump producers. While many people have heard that big change in Shurflo Water pumps is coming, I am here to tell you that the change is already here. While the Shurflo model 2088 water pump has long been the standard, it has to make room for the next generation. It has been long over due, and with all the changes in RV design with larger and more significant selections and options, and with the concerns of many customers having been heard, the Shurflo RV water pump 2088 should have been replaced a lot earlier. Though it has been a tried and true performer- the time has come for a new family member.

It is exciting to see the all new series of RV water pumps come to the market. The next generation RV water pump is called the Revolution. And whew- a revolution it is. This all new model pumps three gallons per minute and up provides up to fifty five pounds of pressure per square inch. It has a unique single piece diaphragm with an internal by pass that will for sure extend the life of the pump. It does not rapid cycle like the old 2088 model and it is much quieter making these all great improvements and what we believe will surely please almost any RV and Camper enthusiast.

If you ever need to have your Shurflo water pump repaired, you might first consider upgrading to the Revolution. It is a definite replacement for the 2088 and if you consider the cost of the repair, upgrading to this next generation of pumps may well be worth the extra cost. In my mind it is worth the money to upgrade even if it doesn?t need repaired.

Shurflo manufacturing has been meeting the needs of the RV and marine industry in the area of twelve volt RV water pumps for a long time and in my opinion has done it well. With this next generation of pumps I feel confident that Shurflo will hold on to its vast market share in the RV industry as well as its market share in the marine water pump arena.

Shurflo RV water pumps can easily be found at almost any reputable RV dealer, RV Parts Store, or online with many RV Parts Dealers. If you are buying on the internet make sure you get the right model the first time to make sure your savings are not lost on return fees. Contact your local dealer or call the internet store if you have any question about getting the right RV water pump for your rig.

Dan Mercurio is President of Elite Search Engine Marketing. We provide quality marketing service for RV Water Pumps and RV Dealers.

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