When you use law firm Internet marketing as a tool to attract clients, you need to keep tabs on the traffic your site is generating. You also need to understand how to bring more traffic to your firm?s site so you can get the maximum number of leads possible. A recent HubSpot??survey of both business-to-business (B2B) and business to consumer (B2C) companies attempted to assess the impact of size on site traffic.
The Outcome: Size is Key to Law Firm Internet Marketing
According to the data provided by HubSpot:
- A company with 51-100 pages of website content will get significantly more traffic (48 percent more) than companies with websites of just 50 pages or less.
- Companies who regularly blog (at least 15 times per month) get five times as much traffic as companies that have no blogs at all.
- Companies who increased their landing pages from 10 to 15 experienced a 55-percent increase in traffic.
- Companies with a Twitter following of between 51 and 100 people also experience more traffic (106 percent more) than those with only 25 Twitter followers are less.
These facts and figures all show that a bigger site and better network to connect with clients are key to being successful online. Of course, you can?t just make your site bigger either. It is important to make sure that all of the content you are producing is high quality content that will both help with search engine optimization and?will appeal to potential clients who find your site. After all, getting a lot of traffic is good for law firm Internet marketing but it does little good unless those visiting your site actually become customers.
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