Sunday, August 28, 2011

Articles 20VN | Waging the Eternal War on Spam | spam email ...

One of the nastier side effects of owning an online business is the eternal war on spam. The more time you spend online, the fuller your inbox will be; full of messages promising everything from miracle cures, to extensions, to get rich quick schemes to schemes to transfer money from one person to another country and give you a portion of it. The one thing that all of these emails have in common is that they spam; often they are scam-spam or virus ridden spam. The other thing they have in common is that they are the kind of evil you read about in books; the never ending, all consuming evil that you have to fight one day at a time and probably won't win against, but the fight is the point.

When waging this eternal war on spam, there are some things you can do to make the fight a little easier. First of all, have two email accounts-one that you use for general browsing and one that you use solely for your business and for friendly correspondence and nothing else. Use a free email account such as through Yahoo, Hotmail, or Google for the spam box and for general browsing and use one with tighter security for your business. Never sign up for anything with your business email account and try to minimize signing up for anything with any email account.

Second, don't even answer anything that looks like spam; don't click on any links, don't click on pictures; don't even open it! When you respond to spam email, it tells the spammer that the email account they sent their junk to is active and furthermore that the owner might be interested in whatever they are trying to rope you into which leads to a further deluge of spam email. The same rings true for unsolicited links from instant messaging, social media like Facebook and Twitter, and forum/blog postings. Don't click on them because that just tells the spammer that you're interested.

Finally, understanding how the spammer works help you to dodge them. Spam writers are very clever programmers; they know how to create internet programs that can grab up countless email addresses to spam, they know how to grab your attention and your information at a click of a button. In short, they know exactly how to spy on you and take advantage of any slip in the armor. The best way to dodge them is to pitch any unsolicited, unknown email straight into the delete bin. Unfortunately, those spam blocker programs rarely work or get along with Windows (especially Outlook Express which has difficulty with spam blocker programs), so you are largely left alone in the fight which means you have to be vigilant.

Spam is just a part of the internet world, much like traveling salesmen and advertisements on t.v. The big difference is that spam can be outright dangerous since it is so easy to riddle it with viruses and other problems. The best and only way to really fight spam is to junk it as soon as it crosses the threshold of your inbox and always have a separate email account for your business.


stevia stevia thomas edison otis otis salvador dali philadelphia eagles

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