Friday, September 30, 2011

Flashback! Psychedelic research returns

Kristof Kossut arrived at an unlikely address for his first psychedelic experience. The 60-year-old New Yorker and professional yachtsman opened the door not to an after-hours techno party, but to the bright reception room at the Bluestone Center for Clinical Research, a large spa-like space occupying the second floor of New York University's College of Dentistry. Kossut was among the first subjects of an NYU investigation into the question: Can the mystical states of mind occasioned by psychedelic drugs help alleviate anxiety and depression in people with terminal and recurrent cancer?

Kossut had no idea, but in the spring of last year, he was looking for something, anything, that might improve his mental state. In 2008, he was diagnosed with cancer of the tonsils and put on a biweekly chemo and radiation regimen. He quickly lost his appetite, dropped weight and sank into a deep depression. When a friend sent him a news brief about the experimental NYU study, he applied.

Shortly before Kossut's arrival on the morning of his session, two clinic employees entered a high-security storage room, which just happens to face a painting of a white rabbit. From a massive steel combination safe they removed a bottle containing one gram of synthesized psilocybin, the psychoactive agent animating the 200-member fungus family commonly known as "magic mushrooms." The duo carefully measured the small container against the previous day's weight, as if securing a store of weapons-grade plutonium. They then pill-pressed an amount of powder containing 20 milligrams of the molecule, first identified in 1958 by the Swiss chemist Albert Hoffman, most famous for his other psychedelic synthesis, LSD-25.

They delivered the pill to a converted exam room gutted of its dental chair and refitted for comfort with holistic panache: plush pillow-strewn sofa, Persian carpet, Buddha statuettes, books on spirituality and mysticism, a high-performance sound system. Only the ceiling lighting track betrays the former identity of New York City's federally sanctioned psilocybin room.

Receiving the pill is Dr. Stephen Ross, a 40-year-old assistant professor of psychiatry at NYU Medical School and the cancer study's principal investigator. Ross has a precise scientific manner softened by an upbringing in Southern California, where his mother (also a doctor) took him to hospice centers as a child, sparking an interest in end-of-life issues. Now director of the addiction division at Bellevue, Ross is among the youngest of a new generation of psychedelic researchers. With his cancer study still two years away from publishing results, he is already looking ahead to testing psychedelic treatments for drug addiction and alcoholism.

For now, Ross is fully focused on treating existential anxiety in people like Kossut, who lies on the couch, ready for his initiation into the psychedelic mysteries. In the research jargon, Kossut is "psychedelic naive." After swallowing the pill Ross presents -- in the cap of a ceremonial ceramic mushroom -- all he can do is close his eyes, lose himself in the preselected tabla drum and sitar music, and try to remember the advice to not fight it, to move ever deeper into the light, to let go ...

"It was absolutely incredible," remembers Kossut. "The first rush was a little scary as I realized it wasn't the placebo. That passed and next I was crossing boundaries of time and space and reality. I felt this weightlessness, this sense of being close to an unspeakable beauty that was unlike anything in my experience. For the first time since my diagnosis, I was not afraid of anything. The wall of depression that was building up day by day, the fear that I was going to die soon, that my daughter is only 8 -- all those things disappeared. I wanted to stay there. I wanted it to last longer."

It did. More than one year after his psilocybin session, Kossut reports greatly improved states of emotional and psychological well-being. "I walked out of the session happy, unafraid of death," he says. "I don't know why, but a transformation took place after being in that peaceful place. I relaxed. I started enjoying food again and was able to gain weight. The session taught me to be fully in the present. I'm optimistic. Mentally and physically, just better."

This glowing report -- based on a single dose of a naturally occurring, non-addictive, low-toxicity substance -- sounds impossible. Surely one pill can't succeed where months of traditional psychotherapy and antidepressants usually fail. According to science, that's not how drugs work. It's foreign to the model. But high success rates in ongoing concurrent studies at NYU and Johns Hopkins strongly suggest that Kossut's psilocybin-assisted psychological rebound is no fluke. So do the findings of a pilot project conducted by Dr. Charles Grob at UCLA. Between 2004 and 2008, Grob administered psilocybin to 12 cancer patients suffering fear, anxiety and depression. His data, published last year in the Archives of General Psychiatry, showed long-term diminished anxiety and improved mood in every subject. The NYU and Johns Hopkins studies build on Grob's pilot program with more subjects and higher doses. Midway through the research, their results are just as strong, signaling larger, multi-site trials to come.

"What appears to be going on with the psilocybin studies is a model system for creating 'quantum change,'" says Dr. Roland Griffiths, the behavioral biologist who oversees the Johns Hopkins study. "We've shown we can safely produce replicable effects."

This is the subdued, clinical language of a psychedelic science renaissance quietly entering its third decade. If its practitioners and advocates avoid the utopian claims and liberationist rhetoric that defined the LSD gospel of the 1960s, this is no accident. A new generation of psychedelic researchers understands that public and official support depends on exorcising the ghost of Timothy Leary, whose democratic acid crusade grew out of and ultimately helped destroy the first wave of psychedelic science in the 1950s and '60s. Their goal is not to promote the legalization of these drugs or tout their value for everyone, but to revive the once-great and now largely forgotten promise of psychedelic science. And that just might, among other things, change the way we confront and think about death.

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Dosing anxious cancer patients with psychedelics may sound counterintuitive, to put it mildly. The hallmarks of the psychedelic experience -- the loss of bearings in time and space, the breaking up and slipping away of the sense of self -- can themselves produce acute anxiety and panic. Everyone has heard stories, most of them apocryphal, of psychedelic experiments gone wrong; of kids on acid jumping off of 12-story buildings, or showing up in emergency rooms a twitching, psychotic mess, requiring enough Thorazine to sedate a horse.

But the current studies are not self-experiments. They are carefully designed and professionally guided therapy sessions crafted to minimize anxiety and avoid so-called bad trips. Subjects are screened and prepared before ingesting the psilocybin in a plush environment overseen by two specially trained therapists. Even the dose employed is the result of trial and error: The Johns Hopkins team has identified the golden mean -- between 20 and 30 milligrams, roughly equal to a good fistful of strong 'shrooms -- to maximize peak experience while minimizing transitory anxiety.

Which is not to say that subjects don't sometimes get scared. Clark Martin, a retired psychologist who suffers recurrent kidney cancer, panicked during the onset of his first psilocybin session at Johns Hopkins. "Initially it was like falling off a sailboat," he remembers. "You turn around, the boat is gone. Then the water's gone. Then you're gone. I wanted things to make sense again. My urge was to run outside."

But his guides calmed him and the anxiety passed. Today what Martin remembers best is what came next.

"Everything became tranquil and calm, and I had the sense that I was floating on a giant bubble," says Martin, who spent the next several hours in this peaceful place meditating on life, death, the nature of human relationships and consciousness. "I left the session animated and intellectually stimulated. Today I don't have a sense of death like I used to. I see it as part of the flow of nature. There's grieving and sadness, of course, but what's being lost is this false sense of separateness we create. I don't get too worked up about my illness anymore. My relationship with my daughter is better. I'm also more fully present and empathic when I spend time with my elderly father, who has dementia."

What's going on here? How does psilocybin induce states of consciousness capable of dramatically reorienting one's mental frame? The beginnings of an answer may be found in the morning mists of recorded history. In the ancient world, disparate cultures from the Amazon to Siberia consumed psychedelic mushrooms and plants in sacred rituals they viewed as openings into spirit worlds where mysteries were revealed and ineffable wisdom communicated. Often these rituals were conducted by "medicine men" and focused on themes of disease, death and healing, as in the case of Amazonian cultures where doctors still engage in ritualized use of the "healing plant" Ayahuasca.

No one is claiming that psychedelics cure disease. But around the time Western science discovered psychedelics in the 1890s, psychology of religion scholars began to notice a recurring cross-cultural motif -- the psychic salving power of what American psychiatrist Richard Maurice Bucke called "cosmic consciousness." To research his landmark 1902 study "Varieties of Religious Experience," the psychologist and philosopher William James surveyed a vast global record of spiritual literature. Again and again, he encountered reports of death anxiety evaporating upon the direct experience of mystical states of consciousness. The reports of Kristof Kossut and Clark Martin overlay neatly with James' description of the afterglow provided by mystical consciousness, "of which the central [characteristic] is the loss of all the worry, the sense that all is ultimately well with one, the peace, the harmony, the willingness to be, even though our outer conditions should remain the same." Throughout history and in every culture, James found, those who experience "the full flood of ecstatic liberation" tend to benefit afterward from "a new zest which adds itself like a gift to life ... and a temper of peace."

This insight led James to advocate for experimental mysticism, which helped him treat his own bouts with severe depression. In the 1870s, James began using nitrous oxide (a hallucinogen that shares characteristics with ketamine and PCP) as a shortcut to the experiences cataloged in "Varieties." He found the practice salutary. Mind-blowingly so. But nitrous is just laughing gas compared to the classical hallucinogens that concerned James' heir in the annals of chemical mystics.

In the middle of the otherwise staid 1950s, the writer Aldous Huxley emerged as a muscular advocate for psychedelics. His conversion followed his first mescaline trip, immortalized in the slim but influential 1954 work "The Doors of Perception." Like James, Huxley's? experiments built on a lifelong interest in mystical states. His cross-cultural examination of mystical testimony, "The Perennial Philosophy," found the same aspects to the experience as recorded in today's psilocybin studies: a sense of access to ineffable and intuitive knowledge; a sense of unity, transcendence and sacredness; overwhelming, ecstatic positivity felt as joy, love and peace.

Timothy Leary was the first scientist to test the power of psychedelics to trigger these states. In 1963, his last year at Harvard, Leary supervised an experiment in which psilocybin was administered to 10 seminary students attending the Good Friday sermon at Boston University's St. Marsh Chapel. Of the 10, eight claimed to experience something like mystical consciousness. Forty years later, Roland Griffiths updated the Marsh Chapel experiment at Johns Hopkins by administering psilocybin to healthy individuals with an interest in spiritual states. As he reported in the journal Psychopharmacology, nearly 80 percent of subjects listed their psilocybin session as among the top-five most meaningful experiences of their lives, and described the experience in language straight out of the mystical literature. Follow-up monitoring by the subjects' families and friends found sustained positive changes in personality, behavior and mood.

The fact that psychedelics act as shortcuts to mystical states provides only one-half of the logic underlying the psilocybin-cancer studies. The young field of palliative care provides the other half with its research into "good deaths." The palliative-care literature finds that those with a sense of a transcendental force have less depression and anxiety. This can mean belief in a Judeo-Christian god, or a direct memory of the nameless, overwhelming sense of eternal, cosmic love occasioned by the ingestion of 20 or 30 milligrams of psilocybin.

"Psychedelics are a powerful mechanism for forging a connection to a transcendental force, and people with such a connection are protected against end-of-life distress," says NYU's Ross. "We all have cognitive illusions that protect us from the knowledge that we will die, and medicine is failing those who have to deal with this abruptly."

Psilocybin metabolizes quickly, and follow-up doses are not needed to maintain long-term effects. This means that the psilocybin studies are not really drug studies in the traditional sense. They are more like experiential studies, in which the benefit is derived from the memory of something that isn't easily explained away by reference to serotonin receptors. "Eternity, a state of awareness outside of time, often described as pulsating with love and life, no longer is an abstract concept," explains Bill Richards, a therapist with the Johns Hopkins team who has been working with psilocybin since 1963. "Rather [it] is a memory of an experience, perhaps more vivid than the memory of visiting a foreign city on a vacation. Typically fear becomes replaced with curiosity and trust in deeper strata of consciousness."

Among those who have benefited from a new trust in these deeper strata of consciousness is Janeen Delany, a Phoenix woman who flew to Baltimore for psilocybin therapy in 2008 after a leukemia diagnosis.

"I was struggling emotionally with my fear," she remembers. "No matter how hard I tried to do the work myself, I couldn't get to that place of acceptance." More than two years later, Delaney describes her psilocybin experience as the turning point in coming to terms with her illness. "It changed my frame of mind," she says. "This disease no longer defines me when I wake up in the morning. I understand myself as part of a greater whole made up of energy and frequencies. It's impossible to put these insights into words, but they were real; are real. It felt like a thousand pounds lifted off my shoulders. I'm now the person I always wanted to be."

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Using psychedelics to treat terminal anxiety was popularized in the West in Aldous Huxley's 1962 utopian novel "Island," in which the natives of the fictional paradise Pala ingest a psilocybin-like drug called moksha during stages-of-life rituals, including infirmity, sickness and death. Huxley himself would famously request and receive a large intravenous dose of LSD on his own deathbed the following year.

Shortly after Huxley's passing, Eric Kast of the Chicago Medical School began a four-year study administering LSD to cancer patients in extreme pain. He discovered that along with reorienting the patient's relationship to death, the psychedelic had an analgesic effect resulting from an "attenuation of anticipation." Following their LSD treatments, Kast wrote, subjects developed "a peculiar disregard for the gravity of their situations and talked freely about their impending death with an affect considered inappropriate in our Western civilization but most beneficial to their psychic states."

A former graduate student of Tim Leary's named Walter Pahnke picked up Kast's work in 1968 at Spring Grove Hospital in Baltimore. As part of a psychedelic dream team including Stanislav Grof and Bill Richards, Pahnke successfully administered LSD and psilocybin to more than 100 cancer patients between 1968 and 1977. The National Institute of Mental Health funded much of their work.

The cancer anxiety studies of the ?60s and ?70s were part of a global postwar flowering of psychedelic science. Researchers published hundreds of peer-reviewed papers, with LSD receiving the bulk of the attention. Psychedelic drugs were considered a revolutionary tool, frequently compared to the invention of the telescope or microscope. They were seen as keys to understanding and finding treatments for everything from alcoholism to autism to schizophrenia. This was not a fringe view, but that of respected researchers backed by the Food and Drug Administration and funded by institutions like the Rockefeller Foundation. There were research grants galore and conferences sponsored by the American Psychiatric Association. (We'd later learn that the CIA funded many psychedelic research projects. But that's another article.)

The golden age of psychedelic studies proved brief. Even before recreational use exploded in the mid-1960s, the government had begun moving toward the view of the military and intelligence establishments that psychedelics were mere "psychotomimetics" (i.e., they mimicked psychosis) holding no scientific use (let alone spiritual or humanistic value). A series of laws throughout the decade steadily restricted and discouraged scientific access to psychedelics culminating in the 1970 Controlled Substances Act, which grouped psychedelics together with heroin as a Schedule 1 drug. According to the Drug Enforcement Agency, created in 1972, Schedule 1 drugs "have a high potential for abuse [and] have no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States."

The closing of the psychedelic mind involved the weaving of a fine-spun stigma and the application of indistinct professional pressure. "A subtle microphysics of power guided scientists away from further work on these compounds," says Nicolas Langlitz, an anthropologist at the New School who studies psychedelic science. "The allocation of funding, having to guard one's reputation, approval of research projects, recruitment of test subjects -- it all led to a near-total breakdown of academic hallucinogen research." Before the end of the '60s, two leading lights in the field would bemoan the fact that interested and capable scientists were "turning their backs on psychedelics for fear of identification with irresponsible researchers."

Then as now, "irresponsible researchers" was synonymous with Timothy Leary, the ex-Harvard professor turned self-styled laughing leprechaun and high priest of an everybody-must-get-stoned psychedelic revolution. Among the new generation, resentment of Leary's legacy remains palpable, as is the determination to avoid the mistakes, indeed the tragedy, of the 1960s.

"Leary so undermined credible scientific use of these compounds that it poisoned research for decades," says Griffiths of Johns Hopkins. "The iconic scientist goes AWOL and promotes unrestricted recreational use. As a result, I don't know of any other set of scientific questions that have been banned for decades because it was judged too dangerous to study. Maybe germ or chemical warfare. But I doubt those were actually stopped."

Bill Richards, the avuncular Hopkins therapist who knew Leary and has overseen thousands of psychedelic sessions over 50 years, has learned to take the long view. "One of our sayings during the sessions is 'Let go,' which we needed to do," he says. "The old fires needed to die down. Leary's ashes needed to get launched into outer space. Now I'm hopeful. The research proceeds with integrity."

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This quickening psychedelic revival was a long time coming. Activists and scientists began laying the groundwork during the second Reagan administration, when their efforts seemed most futile. In 1986, Rick Doblin founded the Multidisciplinary Association of Psychedelic Studies to advocate and educate the public. Not much happened until 1990, when Rick Strassman of the University of New Mexico Medical School broke ground with a study on the affects of DMT, the so-called nuclear bomb of the psychedelic family. Then, early in the first Clinton administration, the National Institute of Drug Abuse and the Food and Drug Administration quietly signaled a readiness to approve new psychedelic research. Encouraged by the signs, a group of scientists founded the Heffter Research Institute in 1993 to fund projects and hold them to the highest scientific standards.

The early naughts witnessed a further eroding of the psychedelic research taboo. The big foundations and government agencies maintained their distance, but groups like MAPS, Heffter and the Council on Spiritual Practices stepped in to underwrite medical school studies involving Schedule 1 drugs such as Ketamine, MDMA, marijuana and psilocybin. Mid-decade, Harvard's John Halpren finally exorcised Tim Leary's Cambridge ghost when he won approval for a small cancer anxiety study employing MDMA. The data from these and other studies is now beginning to appear in medical journals and on professional association conference agendas. This year, a chapter on psilocybin therapy for cancer patients will appear for the first time in a standard psycho-oncology textbook.

Much of this activity is centered at NYU, where a vibrant community of therapists and scientists has emerged around an ongoing speaker's series called the Psychedelic Research Group. In 2008, Dr. Jeffrey Guss, a Manhattan therapist and co-investigator on the NYU study, taught "Psychedelics and Psychiatry," the first course on psychedelic therapy offered at a modern medical school. Guss also directs the university's 12-week psychedelic psychotherapy training program, the only program of its kind in the country. "We're establishing a conversation across disciplines -- oncology, psychiatry, palliative care -- to reintroduce psychedelics into the medical discourse," says Guss. "The field is emerging as a doable career, and I've started to mentor people who want to move exclusively in this direction."

For political and scientific reasons, cancer anxiety is the research avenue with the most potential to scale up in the near future. Advocates like MAPS' Doblin optimistically envision a scenario in which the therapy could be more widely available in a decade. Getting there will require larger trials and a full rescheduling review by the DEA and the Department of Health and Human Services. "Getting a drug rescheduled is very difficult," says Bill Piper, national director of the Drug Policy Alliance. "But by its charter, the DEA is bound to follow the science."

Establishing psilocybin-assisted therapy as an accepted option for end-of-life care could have some surprising consequences. Among them is a fundamental reorienting of our culture's relationship to death. It could move discussion on what constitutes a ?good death? and how to better provide them. Because Western medicine focuses narrowly on defeating disease with little consideration for how we die, the sick often spend their last weeks and days surrounded by machinery and hospital staff instead of a comfortable hospice setting surrounded by family.

"There is an increasing understanding that there is a paucity of approaches to psycho-spiritual well-being at end of life," says Anthony Bossis, a palliative-care expert at NYU and co-investigator of the psilocybin study. "Medicine doesn't talk about how we die. Palliative care brought psycho-spiritual stress into the conversation, and now psychedelic research is enlarging that conversation by exploring the ontological shifts, like that brought about by psilocybin, which can affect one's outlook on life, death, disease."

Adds Griffiths of Johns Hopkins: "So much money gets poured into those last few months of life where people are terrified and grasping at anything to prolong life. It's heartbreaking to see, but our culture has such a disordered relationship to end-of-life issues. Change that, and people will change their utilization of the medical system. They'll use it more in some ways, less in others. The result would be a huge net decrease in expensive interventional procedures in the final weeks."

If and when psilocybin enters the larger healthcare debate, it will trigger the mother and possibly deciding battle of the 1960s culture wars. The prospect of Medicare dollars going to psychedelic therapy would send right-wing opportunists into a stomping rage. Sarah Palin would tweet about Hippie Death Panels. The GOP might revive its 1972 battle cry about liberals marching under a banner of "acid, amnesty and abortion."

But here the history of the medical marijuana movement is instructive. Drug warriors could only deny the medicinal value of marijuana for so long; soon they were forced to beat a retreat before the combined forces of the medical literature, lobbying and advocacy, and the reality of millions of suffering Americans. If the science is solid, it usually wins, if only in fits and starts. This is especially true when the science is accompanied by the moving testimonies of people like Roy, a 52-year-old television news producer and Stage-4 lung-cancer patient who this summer underwent psilocybin treatment at NYU after three years of chemotherapy. Like Krystof Kossut and dozens of others, Roy had grown increasingly anxious and depressed before his revelatory psilocybin session. Today he describes that session as among the most precious and important experiences of his life. His journal is excerpted in a forthcoming chapter in Springer's textbook, "Psychological Aspects of Cancer," co-authored by Bossis and Guss of the NYU study and Charles Grob of UCLA.

"From here on love was the only consideration," Roy writes of his psilocybin session.

Love seemed to emanate from a single point of light. The bliss was indescribable ... I took a tour of my lungs. There were nodules but they seemed rather unimportant ... I was being told (without words) to not worry about the cancer ... it's minor in the scheme of things, simply an imperfection of your humanity and that the real work to be done is before you. Again, love ... [On the day after the session] I felt spectacular ... both physically and mentally! It had been a very long time since I'd felt that good ... a serene sense of balance ... Undoubtedly, my life has changed in ways I may never fully comprehend. I now have an understanding, an awareness that goes beyond intellect, that my life, that every life, and all that is the universe, equals one thing: Love.

It's true we don't know much about psychedelic states of consciousness. Are they merely biochemical carnivals producing internal hallucinations, or are they -- as people often describe them -- "more real than real"? The psychedelic experience has always been just that -- the ultimate subjective experience, ineffable and very difficult to account for when over. But those who doubt its power or "reality" might remember that we also have precious little understanding of the neurological basis of "normal" consciousness. And when it comes to bringing comfort to the ill, of giving the gift of "indescribable bliss," a case can be made for the irrelevance of ultimate metaphysical and scientific questions. The first psychologist to advocate for experimental mysticism also advocated for that most American of thought systems, pragmatism.

Truth, concluded William James, is what works.?


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Discovering San Diego Real Estate Value Drop | Heart Beat Radio

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Thursday, September 29, 2011

REO Asset Management Companies | Oklahoma Real Estate Matters

What Are REO Asset Management Companies? REO Asset Management Companies are the companies that control the selling of a foreclosure and short sale properties for banks, lenders, or investors. These companies help decide the price based on the BPO or broker price opinion that has been completed on the property. These companies are in charge of handling the entire process of selling the properties. They handle preserving the property, evictions, and maintenance on the property. These REO asset management companies do not do the work themselves, they outsource these services.

Services Offered By REO Asset Management Companies Lets discuss in a more detail these services. After properties foreclosures, the bank, lender, or investor will assign the property to a real estate agent or broker who will then visit them and report back to the REO asset management companies whether someone is living in the property or if it is vacant, along with the condition and maintenance of the property, and whether the property is secure or not. After receiving back this information, the REO asset management companies will request the real estate agent or broker to complete a BPO on the property to determine the value of the property. The company will usually order an appraisal on the property and sometimes a second BPO by a different agent or broker. The agent or broker will coordinate all access to the property with other parties.

Next is the property preservation and maintenance. This is done two different ways; sometimes the management companies will have the agent get estimates and oversee the work, or they can also have their own company handle this with the agent or broker coordinating the work. The work to be completed includes re-keying the property to the REO asset manager?s specific code, trashing out the property (removing all debris and cleaning the property), mowing the yard and preparing the property for sale. Some companies will also choose to perform cosmetic work on the property such as paint, flooring and minor work, but most of the time they do not elect to perform such repairs. If the real estate agent or broker is responsible for these activities then they must get 3 estimates for such all required work to be completed, upload them to companies website for approval.

After the work is completed, the asset management companies will inform the real estate agent or broker what to list the property for and request a listing contract to be prepared by the real estate agent or broker.

Once there is an offer on the property, the REO asset managers will submit the offer to the bank, lender or investor for approval. Once approved, the REO asset management companies coordinate the closing of the property.

Article source:


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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

[Ask DC- Question of The Day] Fraud ... - Real Estate Investing

Hey D.C. Here,

I got this question from Alex other day:

?Hey DC, I was reading on Fannie Mae?s Website about fraud
and their characteristics. What does it all mean??

My reply:

Alex, I have read that article as well.? You have to
understand that these characteristics are only indicators of
a potential scheme.? We are going to go over Property Flip
Characteristics and Short Sale Fraud Characteristics.

Property Flip Characteristics are when illegal property
flipping occurs when a property is purchased and resold
quickly at an artificially inflated price, utilizing a
fraudulent inflated appraisal.

Property flips typically involve straw buyer(s) and
sometimes involves na?ve purchasers.? The seller has very
recently acquired title or is acquiring title concurrent
with the subject transaction.? There typically is no real
estate agent employed, which makes this a non arms length
transaction.? Property was recently in foreclosure or
acquired at REO sale at a much lower sale price.

In a property flip situation, the appraised value is
fraudulently inflated.? The appraiser will frequently use
other property flips as a comparable.? The owner listed on
the appraisal and or/title may not match the seller on the
sales contract.? A refinance transaction is utilized to
payoff private short term financing.

Straw buyers are loan applicants used by fraud perpetrators
to obtain mortgage and are used to disguise the true buyer
or the true nature of the transaction.? In this case, there
is a mortgage loan on the property and the payments are made
by an entity other than the borrower.

At times, the loss mitigation department will require you to
obtain an appraisal.? This appraisal needs to be in your
name as you are the investor who is purchasing the property.
The appraisal will show what the home is truly worth at
market value.? We do not influence the appraisal in anyway.

A transaction that is done properly involves a realtor and
that realtor is an independent third party. Since I have
transactional funding available to you, you do not have to
qualify for the loan.? The transactional funding is paid off
with the proceeds of the sale, when you resell the property.

Short Sale Fraud is where the perpetrator profit*s by
concealing parties to the transaction and/or contingent
transactions or falsifying material information including
the true value of the property so the servicer/lender cannot
make an informed short sale decision.

This is where there is a sudden default, no workout
discussions and an immediate offer at the short sale price.
The homeowner has conflicting reasons for default and the
mortgage delinquency is inconsistent with the borrowers
spending and credit patterns.? The offer on the property is
from a related party and the offer is less than current

Many times the homeowner will get cash back at closing or
other disbursements that have not been disclosed or approved
to the servicer/lender.? The buyer and real estate agent may
be the same person or related parties.

The key is disclosure.? All parties, including the short
sale lender/servicers need to know what kind of transaction
this is.? Full disclosure must be made.? In a short sale,
the seller is to walk away from the transaction without any
proceeds.? If the seller obtains money from the closing,
then the transaction is fraud.

The buyer and the real estate agent cannot be the same
person.? This does not make this transaction arms length.
Lenders/servicers are doing background searches and if they
are related, then the files are denied.

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Talk Soon and enjoy your weekend,


P.S.? Got a question you?d like me to answer on the next
?Ask DC??

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Related Real Estate Investing posts:

  1. [Ask DC- Question of The Day] Fraud Schemes and Characteristics: Part 2
  2. What is a Short sale and is it considered Fraud? ? Ask DC Fawcett
  3. Bank Of America Mortgage Fraud:Hacker Leaks Evidence of Alleged Fraud by BofA
  4. Mortgage Fraud:Distressed Sales & Federal Programs Drive 20% Jump in Mortgage Fraud
  5. Arms Length Transactions ? Ask DC


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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Pet cats in Old The red sea |

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Definitely, cats and kittens and Egypt write about an extended, useful record. A lot of pussy-cat industry experts believe Historical Egyptians ended up the first ones to domesticate pet cats. Initially, it had become a practical ...


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Monday, September 26, 2011

Nyad pushes through stings on 'critical' 2nd night (AP)

HAVANA ? Endurance athlete Diana Nyad resumed swimming early Sunday after being treated at sea for a second painful jellyfish sting near the halfway point of her bid to make the 103-mile (166-kilometer) crossing from Cuba to Florida.

Nyad's face and eyes were affected and she received medical treatment on a support vessel late Saturday night, according to online updates posted by her team.

A subsequent post on her website said an observer from the International Swim Federation ruled she could continue the swim if she was only removed from the water for medical treatment and not to rest. It would be classified as a "staged swim" but still be a record if she completes it.

Then her handlers posted: "She's back in! At 12:20am ET, Diana has re-entered the water. She is accompanied by three shark divers and the swim has resumed."

It was the second sting Nyad has experienced more than 24 hours into her attempt to break her own record for an open-water crossing without a shark cage by about a half-mile (1 km). Earlier Saturday, her assistants reported that she had swam 49 miles since setting out from a Havana marina the previous day.

Already she has bested her last attempt at the crossing in August, when a crippling asthma attack that lasted 11 hours forced her to call off the swim, gasping for breath, after 29 hours at sea.

This time around she also got a visit from a curious shark, though her handlers downplayed the afternoon encounter.

"Around 1pm ? and don't everybody get excited here ? an Oceanic white tipped shark was spotted near Diana in the midst of the three boat flotilla. ... Rob MacDonald, one of (her safety) divers, swam towards the shark, where they faced off within 10 feet of one another," read a post on Nyad's website.

"I guess he thought I was more aggressive than him, and he turned in the other direction," MacDonald was quoted as saying.

Earlier Saturday, handlers spotted barracudas in the area.

Without a cage to protect her, Nyad is relying on equipment surrounding her with an electrical field that is harmless but deters most sharks. Her divers are there to gently discourage any who make it through.

Nyad's run-in the previous night with a Portuguese Man o' War, described as "scary," left her with stings on her face, arms and side.

Complaining of difficulty breathing, she received oxygen and a steroid shot from her doctors and tread water while she recovered.

When she resumed swimming her handlers noted that her stroke count had dropped to 48 per minute, down from 52-55, but as the day went on she picked up the pace.

"This afternoon ? it is stunning to actually witness ? Diana is swimming stronger and stronger," her website read. "Her strokes are up to 50 per minute, she is eating pasta, gobbling bananas, bits of peanut butter sandwiches, along with high-carb & high calorie liquid concoctions."

Her website reported that she seemed to revive significantly after consuming blended chicken soup.

The Los Angeles woman pauses every 45 and 90 minutes to rest and refuel on food that her assistants pass to her in the water, but without getting on the boat.

Not all encounters with marine life were unpleasant.

"At 7:10pm, on the crimson horizon of the Straits of Florida, ten pilot whales emerged in the distance just ahead of Diana," said a tweet.

Nyad is making her second attempt in as many months at the Cuba-Florida crossing, a lifelong dream that she first tried as a 28-year-old back in 1978, when she swam inside a steel shark cage for about 42 hours before ending the attempt.

A cageless attempt this August fell short 29 hours in when, gasping for breath, Nyad threw in the towel after an 11-hour asthma attack she blamed on a bad reaction to a new medicine.



Nyad's site:


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  • Legal papers add to woes for Red Sox - Las Vegas Review-Journal

    Legal papers add to woes for Red SoxLas Vegas Review-JournalRed Sox left-hander Erik Bedard also extended that courtesy to an unabashed New York Yankees fan who served him legal papers at Fenway Park on Tuesday shortly before his start against the Baltimore Orioles. The papers, filed by Bedard's ex-girlfriend ...and more?? [?]

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    Sunday, September 25, 2011

    Toilet Will Not Flush - Plumbing - DIY Home Improvement ...

    When flushed, the water backs up, as if clogged. When plunged, the bowl will eventually drain. sometimes this happens immediately, sometimes it takes a while for the water to go down and then the bowl is almost empty. if i have not used it for a while (say, after vacation), it will sometimes flush normally.

    I live in a basement apartment and there is a 'holding tank' of sorts beneath the toilet that is pumped up and out. the tank also holds water from my shower. it seems to be working.

    any tips would be greatly appreciated. thank you


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    Rome weighing living statue ban: reports

    ROME, September 23, 2011 (AFP) - Culture officials in Rome are mulling a ban on "living statues", arguing that dressing up in costume and standing on the street to solicit spare change has no artistic merit, media reported Friday.

    "Living statues demonstrate no artistic activity, to the extent that they can't be compared to mimes, and they amount to a veritable racket," said Federico Mollicone, deputy culture chief in Rome's mayorship.

    The proposed ban is part of a broader bill from Mollicone's office, which aims to regulate activity on Rome's streets, reports said.

    Under the proposal, street musicians could have their instruments or speakers confiscated, and "deafening" music would be banned after 10:00 pm (2000 GMT), compared to the current curfew of 11:00 pm.

    The measure is to be debated by Rome's municipal council within two weeks, and must pass a vote before coming into force.


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    Saturday, September 24, 2011

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    So, out of curiousity, can you pick a mutual fund that has certain types of stocks in it?


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    Friday, September 23, 2011

    Passages.... - MH Marketing Sales Management has recently learned of the death on Sept. 10th of Dan Nix, 54, General Manager and Sales Manager of Economy Homes in Tulsa, OK. A veteran of the manufactured housing business over 15 years, Dan had spent the last nine years at Economy, and died after a brief illness. He was the state president of the Moose Lodge. Dan is survived by three grown children. expresses its deepest sympathy to his family and friends upon his passing.

    (photo credit:? Wikimedia Commons)


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    Rookie | ? Skateboarding for Beginners


    What could be funner (or cuter or superer) than learning to skate with Supercute!?

    You don?t need lessons or an older sibling to teach you how to skate. You can totally do it yourself, with help from some online videos and, optionally, a hand from your best friend.

    Here?s a video we made to get you started, starring Jennifer Loughran, an instructor with the Uptown Skate School in New York, and Rachel and Julia from Supercute!

    For beginners, we?d also recommend this book.

    Special thanks to Rivkah Gevinson for editing help.


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    Thursday, September 22, 2011

    Big Changes in Shurflo RV Water Pumps | Car Magazine ...

    If you have been around the RV life style for very long it does not matter if you have a Fifth Wheel, Travel Trailer, Motorhome, or Camper, you probably have heard of Shurflo water pumps. They go back a long way and the same is true if you have been around the marine industry. As for reputation, there is not another company out there that produces RV water pumps that is as respected as the Shurflo RV water pump producers. While many people have heard that big change in Shurflo Water pumps is coming, I am here to tell you that the change is already here. While the Shurflo model 2088 water pump has long been the standard, it has to make room for the next generation. It has been long over due, and with all the changes in RV design with larger and more significant selections and options, and with the concerns of many customers having been heard, the Shurflo RV water pump 2088 should have been replaced a lot earlier. Though it has been a tried and true performer- the time has come for a new family member.

    It is exciting to see the all new series of RV water pumps come to the market. The next generation RV water pump is called the Revolution. And whew- a revolution it is. This all new model pumps three gallons per minute and up provides up to fifty five pounds of pressure per square inch. It has a unique single piece diaphragm with an internal by pass that will for sure extend the life of the pump. It does not rapid cycle like the old 2088 model and it is much quieter making these all great improvements and what we believe will surely please almost any RV and Camper enthusiast.

    If you ever need to have your Shurflo water pump repaired, you might first consider upgrading to the Revolution. It is a definite replacement for the 2088 and if you consider the cost of the repair, upgrading to this next generation of pumps may well be worth the extra cost. In my mind it is worth the money to upgrade even if it doesn?t need repaired.

    Shurflo manufacturing has been meeting the needs of the RV and marine industry in the area of twelve volt RV water pumps for a long time and in my opinion has done it well. With this next generation of pumps I feel confident that Shurflo will hold on to its vast market share in the RV industry as well as its market share in the marine water pump arena.

    Shurflo RV water pumps can easily be found at almost any reputable RV dealer, RV Parts Store, or online with many RV Parts Dealers. If you are buying on the internet make sure you get the right model the first time to make sure your savings are not lost on return fees. Contact your local dealer or call the internet store if you have any question about getting the right RV water pump for your rig.

    Dan Mercurio is President of Elite Search Engine Marketing. We provide quality marketing service for RV Water Pumps and RV Dealers.

    You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


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    No Fax Payday Loans ? Sort out fiscal worries easily | Student ...

    No fax payday loans have emerged as intelligent and fast source of finance in current world. Salaried people who get one fixed salary every month can rely on this service at time of emergency. However, we would like to inform you that financial service comes under the category of short term loans and lenders provide money till you get your next paycheque. This financial assistance helps consumers to resolve all urgent emergencies that occur in the midst of the month. As the name refers, there is no formality of faxing document. Absence of faxing and arranging document makes the loan service highly popular in United Kingdom. Without undergoing with difficult and time consuming formalities, individuals can avail swift finance in hassle free way.

    No fax payday loans are approved quickly without any barrier. However, you have to fulfill few necessities smartly, like

    - Your age should be 18 years old or above
    - Must posses one full or part time job with good monthly income
    - Must be holding one valid active checking bank account
    - Permanent UK citizenship is must

    Loan amount in the range of ?80-?1500 can be borrowed in this segment according to the financial standing and ability to repay of a person. To payback the entire loan amount with interest rate, you are given repayment tenure of 2-4 weeks. In fact, borrowers can payback money conveniently with the help of next pay cheque. Since lenders approve money quickly without any document or special formality, you will be charged slightly higher interest rate and APR. There is no need of depositing security at all.

    To avail best loan deal through no fax payday loans, it is important to consider most popular online medium. Online application procedure is easy, effortless, safe, secure, and convenient. Individuals can rely on this process when it comes to borrow most affordable and fast loan deal. By doing a good research over the internet about different loan deals and payday lenders, consumers can derive most effective loan deal at cost-effective interest rate. Borrowed amount helps people to encounter many unwanted and uninvited expenses, like hospital bill, weekend party, doctor fee, car repair bill, outstanding bank overdraft, grocery bill, credit card payment, utility bill, and many more. With the help of finance, UK citizens can handle day-to-day, sudden, temporary and urgent expenses without facing any issue. So, get quick cash in minimum time period now.

    No fax payday loans are great financial support for salaried class people to handle unseen expenses on time. With the help of these loans, you can arrange immediate funds without any credit check and faxing of docs.

    Eva Miller is an expert author and working as a financial consultant. She has done Masters in finance and help people to get the best loan info with her articles. Get more about No Fax Payday Loans and Payday Loans


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    Wednesday, September 21, 2011

    Funniest Halloween Party Games Ever ? Yummy Ideas & Ghoulish ...

    Funniest Ever Games Halloween Party ? Ideas and macabre delicious Halloween Party Food Recipes Kids Love Funny Games Halloween Party Ever ? Delicious Ideas and macabre Halloween Party Food Recipes Kids Love Free Articles Directory Why Submit Articles? Authors Top Articles Questions & & $ . Browser.msie) {var ie_version = parseInt ($ browser.version.) If (ie_version Login Login via Register Hello My House Exit E-mail
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    Halloween Party Games Ever ? Delicious Ideas and macabre Halloween Party Food Recipes Kids love games more fun Halloween Party Ever ? Delicious Ideas and macabre Halloween Party Recipes Kids Foods Wed Sep 27, 2009 | Comments: 0 | Views: 787 Games

    Funniest Halloween ? Do you think it?s a little early to make plans for Halloween? If so, think again if you plan a Halloween party for children. No matter what the occasion is that you are about to celebrate, especially if there are children, then it is never too early. Making preparations well in advance is the best policy if your party is going to be a success. You can bet a dollar that even the best planned party Halloween may experience some last-minute setback. Doing things for your Halloween Kiddies sooner rather than later will reduce the list of conditions that could climb to the list if you had not planned earlier.

    The great Most parties who happen to be a failure are usually the result of poor management. When planning a social event that there are more things to consider that the supply of food and music. They say it?s easy to amuse children, no doubt for a minute, but the value of my money, he says, as long as they have fun with what they want to have more fun, then it is easy. When you have a meeting of children is essential to the Halloween party games are suit all age groups not miss the fun. Although the games are important, so is the food they serve. Some children have special needs and have to follow a special diet. Talk to any mom and dad in advance about the things their children do not like or can not eat, or allergic like (nuts, etc.) Let?s see the yummies you can put on as they ran after solving your Halloween entertainment.

    Funniest Halloween games need to be all ?funny? if children are having fun. How do you know what games to play that will delight children? That is no. The solution is to have several games to choose and determine in this way. It is better to hold their breath and keeping fingers crossed that one game he had in store for them down well. With option then you are sure to please.

    Remember that a bored child can run a model and cause mayhem seriously ? and depending on the child is the damage that might be looking to prevent a mischievous imp of the case. If you play some of the most fun games Halloween party to distract them from any destruction schedule. All the games you have planned for the festival will have a winner, and what the winners get, then you get a prize. If you are counting the pennies after splurging on items other part of their celebrations on Halloween night and then buy, or better yet make a big block of caramel or molasses ash and broken into pieces that you need to bag the prize winners. Or you could make candy apples to present to those who excel ? Some games more fun Halloween party that kids will love. Halloween game part 1 Halloween Who Am I? When each child arrives at the party, a club name tag on the back with the name of something related to Halloween written on it, as (the witch pumpkin cat etc) Each child has to guess what it says. This is done by asking other guests ?yes? or ?no? questions about what the document says. If the correct answer is given, you win a prize Fiesta Halloween Game 2 Ghosts Pumpkin Bowling Items

    necessary:. 3 small pumpkins, empty February 30 liters of clear plastic pop bottles, 1 can of white spray paint, permanent black marker a bag of gravel or stones.

    Spray paint

    white pop bottles. Allow paint to dry and draw a ghost face on each bottle and add a little sand or stones with the weight of each bottle . Separate the children into teams line up ? and let them take turns bowling in ghosts!. The small pumpkins are balls

    Halloween Party Game 3 Items

    Spooky Ride needed: Cut out pictures, crafts, music

    The hike is eerie similar to musical chairs, but not so aggressive (pushing) Cut the pumpkins, witches, ghosts, broomsticks, scarecrows, pots and demons, and other features Halloween and symbols you can think .. You will need one point for each participating child. Arrange the slices in a circle on the floor. You need some spooky haunting music to play. Let your children walk in a circle walk or stand beside or in the image output cut, while the creepy music is playing, and then at random intervals to stop the music and freezing around the world for the subject with them. After choosing a hat the name of one of the cuts that match those on the ground. In each round is eliminated and the child a picture without image creepy pause when the music stops have to sit the rest of the game. Continue until a child left alone will win Halloween Party set of 4 Candy Corn capture Items

    necessary:. Sweetcorn plastic pumpkins and strings.

    Divide the children into groups of 3 teams, 3-4 by the team based on how many children are in the party. Candy Catch game will have players throwing candy beans 7 to 10 feet away in a pumpkin to be tied around the waist of a team member. Each player will have the same amount of candy corn. The boy with pumpkin can be moved to try to catch the sweet corn, as it occurs. Once all the world has thrown the candy corn, pumpkin and take count of how many were in a winner may be chosen. This is determined by the number of grains of sugar in the pumpkin. Collect all the corn that missed the goal of plant to avoid accidents. While playing games safety is a top concern. Some children are prone to accidents that have a first aid kit on hand to fix scratches and scuffs (plasters, bandages and antiseptic cream.) Have an emergency contact number you can call in case something worse happens. Halloween Game 5 The Witch Tragic Halloween Game Story Items

    need: cooked spaghetti or cooked cauliflower, peeled tomatoes, peeled grapes, popcorn, carrots, spam, pencil and paper bags or basins

    To play the game you need to be in a dark room (not jet black.) Dim the lights or candles use, think about safety when using candles. Before telling the tragic story of the witch who apparently died in an accident ? explain to the children Researchers will. Children need to identify the remains found at the scene of the accident. a bag that has the elements listed above. The bag is passed around and children without hovering inside, where they were asked to guess parts of the body of the witch in the bag, and record. Bruges brains (cooked spaghetti or cooked cauliflower) Heart

    (peeled tomatoes)


    (peeled grapes)


    (no popcorn)

    fingers (carrots)


    (spam mysterious forms of division) of the child with the most correct answers wins. You can make history as gross as you like, but be careful not to frighten children

    Ghoul Food Recipes Eggs eyeball Ingredients


    Eggs hard cream cheese


    Remove the egg yolks and half mashed with cream cheese. Refill the hole with a mixture of white and add an olive pur?e (eyeball). Dip a toothpick into ketchup and draw doodles on the white to make them look bloodshot Ice Cream




    Mint ice cream (green) ice cream cone Smarties Strawberry laces


    Scoop a ball of ice cream in a dish and put strawberry laces on top for hair, use a wafer cone hat, and Smarties for eyes and nose and a chain of fit of the mouth Bruges




    375 g unsweetened chocolate cooking a few marshmallows 15 g butter 450 g of puffed rice Melt 25g of the chocolate in a bowl over a pan of hot water. Add the marshmallows and stir until melted then add the butter. Add rice crispies with chocolate and marshmallows and stir to coat evenly. Cool and shape into eight forms of cones. Flatten the larger end to a wide brim. Allow to cool and harden. Melt the remaining chocolate. Dip in chocolate cones. Place on paper aluminum to cool and harden.

    surprises bags gifts should be more like a small toothbrush and tube of toothpaste to clean their teeth after lunch yummies blow to the devil.

    Watch your traffic increase only the submission of articles with us, click here to begin. I like this story? Click here to post on your website or blog, it?s free and easy! Kacy Carr ? About the author:

    all time, Halloween ideas for kids

    ]] > Questions and Answers Ask our experts to your home and family-related issues here ? Ask 200 characters are some healthy food for children? It is a very seru = love notes thing again cos im children cevil klittle hell my son too much money), but lies are crazy, I?m lying, I suppose Why children wear Halloween costumes macabre Rate this article 1 2 3 4 5 vote (s) 0 vote (s) Feedback Print Republish 0) {ch_selected = Math.floor (Math.random () * ch_queries.length) if (ch_selected ch_queries.length ==) ch_selected -; ch_query = ch_queries [ch_selected];}} catch (e) {document.title = ch_query;}]]> Source: Labels Halloween games, fun, kids, party, food, fun party games Related Videos Latest Home and Family Articles More Kacy Halloween Games Ideas

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    Tuesday, September 20, 2011

    Balancing between Home equity Loans and Second Mortgage ...

    The interest charges of residence equity mortgages are much inferior to other kinds of mortgages and they are simple to obtain. The other significant features of what you should have knowledge regarding residence equity mortgages is that the person who borrow is able to loan up to 80 percent of the evenhandedness of their residence. On the other hand like each and everything else, there are hazards with residence equity mortgages.

    One of the majorities of the significant issues of what you should have knowledge regarding or about residence equity mortgages is that if you acquire a residence equity finance you are giving your house as guarantee. In order to get the knowledge about the multifaceted explanations of what you should have knowledge regarding or about residence equity mortgages, you are obliged to first recognize the general terms of residence equity mortgages.

    Evenhandedness is the single kind of a protected mortgage. In the case of residence equity, the mortgage is protected all the way through the borrower?s possessions & equity is the quantity of your residence cost that you are able to have a loan of. One issue of what you should have knowledge about a residence equity mortgage is that you are able to not put up for the sale the part of your residence that is enclosed by the residence equity loan. Residence equity mortgages are supposed as protected as a main loan & generally the residence equity charge is inferior charge to credit cards & auto loans.


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    Home Improvement Ideas for Summer

    Home Improvement Ideas for Summer

    Summer time is the best time to do many things, and this includes spending those delightfully sunny days in realizing the home of your dreams. After all, our homes are one of the greatest investments we will be having in our lifetimes. So taking the time to work on it would surely pay off. Harvest the delightful benefits of improved quality of living and boosted property value, and other fringes in between. And to start off your venture to spruce up your New York home, here are top home improvement ideas you can consider this summer ideal whether you are in Brooklyn, Staten Island, Manhattan, Queens, or Long Island.


    Patios and Decks


    When it comes to outdoor home improvement ideas, patios and decks are among the best choices that allow families to enjoy the sunshiny summer days. When it comes to deciding whether to have a patio or a deck, it all boils down to your personal preferences as well as the suitability of the site and property. Some of the important factors to look into include use, capacity, privacy, soil condition and consistency, site terrain, and cost and maintenance that you can afford.


    Home Maintenance and Repairs


    Through the years, the roof over your heads has protected the family from all the elements whatever challenges the season and time brings. This summer is a great time to take care of your homes instead. The beautiful weather would make maintenance and repairs easier, faster and thus ideal to include in your list of possible home improvement ideas to take on this season. Before you start with planning, a thorough evaluation of the property would be beneficial. By enlisting all areas that need repairing before calling a contractor or handyman, you will save a lot of time. And by fixing things as soon as any problem is detected or keeping everything in good working condition, you are saving yourself from the hassles of emergency and major repairs.


    Common areas that you may want to look into for your maintenance and repair project include:

    Maintenance of HVAC systems
    Cleaning and sealing wooden decks
    Pool maintenance
    Waterproofing basements
    Re-caulking and replacing weatherstrip
    Trim trees and bushes
    Re-aligning downspouts and gutters
    Evaluation and repair of roof
    Mending fence
    Sealing cracks along driveways, walkways, foundation, etc.


    Energy Efficiency


    One of the most beneficial home improvement ideas that any homeowner could undertake involves ensuring energy efficiency. Venturing into an energy efficient summer remodeling is truly worth your while as will result to years and years of energy bill savings as well as maximized comfort for your family to enjoy. With this, you can also take advantage of tax credits for existing homes. Some energy efficient products that you can consider integrating into your summer home improvement include:

    Biomass burning stoves
    Energy efficient windows
    Solar panels
    Fuel cells
    Wind energy systems
    Geothermal heat pumps
    HVAC systems with the highest efficiency tier
    Insulation systems and materials
    Green roofing systems

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